Welcome to Bellbird Dell
Bellbird Dell is one of 12 bushland parks within the City of Whitehorse, Victoria Australia. It is also one of the parks within Whitehorse that has a Community Parkland Advisory Committee.
The purpose of the committee, according to Whitehorse City Council is 'to provide opportunities for residents to become actively involved in the planning, promotion and care of parkland which is such a special feature in our Municipality.'
We hope you enjoy your visit to Bellbird Dell, both online and in person, and become interested in what the committee and community are currently doing... we look forward to you being involved!
Happy walking,
The Bellbird Dell Advisory Committee

Park Information
Bellbird Dell is a 1.4 km linear park with an area of 17.5 hectares, named after the many bell birds, with some areas of remnant bush, walking trails, wetlands and ornamental lakes.
The park has two children's play grounds, many walking trails/tracks and boardwalks over the wetlands sectors. Open grassed areas with picnic tables provide places for quiet enjoyment.
Many varieties of birds and frogs can be seen and heard here and, in spring, there are wild flowers. Victoria's floral emblem the Common Heath (Epacris impressa) can be seen growing with white flowers in the park.
For walkers the Dell offers short or long strolls but dogs must be on a leash. Main pathways are shared with cyclists.
Entrances are easily accessed from numerous local streets by walkers, but for those travelling be car, there is limited parking at the George Road entrance. Disabled entry is best from George Road also as the track here is wide with a firm, even surface and gentle gradients.
Please note there are no toilets on site. Nearest toilets are at Terrara Park Pavilion.